Build more effective relationships

DiSC creates a sense of teamwork amongst teams, keeping communication open and productive.

Our clients use DiSC to help their teams collaborate and communicate more effectively, and get to know one another on a whole new level

Everything DiSC Workplace is a classroom training and personalised learning experience that can benefit every person in the organisation—regardless of title or position, department or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work. It teaches participants to understand themselves and others, while learning to appreciate different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace. With personalised insights and actionable strategies, participants learn how to adapt to the style of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace.

The Assessment

Great for on-boarding, new work groups, conflict management and more, Everything DiSC Workplace is built using the latest adaptive testing methodology, the research-validated online assessment takes 15-20 minutes to complete (via any online device), and asks participants to respond to behavioural statements on a five-point scale, including application-specific questions to help determine the participant’s Workplace priorities.

The Profile

Workplace-specific, and with in-depth information, the 20-page Everything DiSC Workplace Profile helps participants become more effective team members by giving them valuable, precise insights that unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration. Participants explore the priorities (set around the edge of the circumplex) that drive their behaviour, learn what comes naturally and what might be challenging when interacting with others, and gain practical, actionable strategies and tips for building a better workplace by strengthening their interpersonal interactions at all levels within it. The language of the narrative is supportive, personalised and easily understood with or without the intervention of an assessment professional. The result is more effective and productive working relationships.

The Zoom Classroom

The profile comes to life in the virtual classroom. Our experienced facilitators deliver sessions that engage and educate – sessions that get conversations going about real issues within the team. With a dynamic, modular design, a customisable presentation, and contemporary videos, your participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of their personalised profile and a memorable experience that inspires lasting behaviour change.

Follow-Up Tools

Everything DiSC Comparison Reports: Inspire effective collaboration with Comparison Reports. Any two participants can explore their similarities and differences, potential challenges in working together, and practical tips for improving their working relationship..

Everything DiSC Group Culture Report: Determine the group’s DiSC culture by exploring its advantages and disadvantages, impact on group members, and influence on decision-making and risk-taking.

Everything DiSC Team View: With no limit to the number of participants included, this report gives you an at-a-glance view of a group of participants and their individual Everything DiSC maps.

Find out how we can help you

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+44 (0)800 677 1174