What is it?

Adaptive Testing produces more precise results, which in turn provides a better experience for the user and provides even more precise dot placement on a participant’s Everything DiSC map.


The biggest benefit of adaptive testing is a more precise measurement — increased personalisation based on this greater precision and accuracy leads to a more accurate profile and more satisfied customers. Respondents will see all of their priorities reflected in their DiSC feedback, even if they prioritise things that aren’t typical for their styles.


  • It’s more precise: We improved the measurement technology.
  • It’s been thoroughly proven: The most extensively validated research in Wiley’s history.
  • It provides a superior user experience: Increased personalisation results in a more satisfying participant experience.
More detail

If someone has a high-i style but their assessment results also indicate that they prioritise Accuracy (typically a C priority), they’ll be able to see this additional priority reflected in their profile. Using adaptive testing, respondents can have three, four, or even five priorities. This is a level of precision we simply couldn’t capture before. And it’s this precision in measurement and increased personalisation in reporting that equals a better participant experience. Or, as one high-I who prioritises Accuracy said during beta testing, “I feel validated”.