About Us

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Our specialism is behaviour

We deal with the human aspects of leadership, teamwork, communication and personal growth. We help build stronger teams. We see these challenging times as the golden age of teamwork. The teams that embrace this, and capture the good things, are the ones that will be stronger, and we love to see them thrive.

Meet the team!

The ITDA team's DiSC map

We’re a small team of 5 and our DiSC styles are a varied mix

Jan (our lovely admin)

An i/S style through and through, providing unwavering support and chatting (and chatting!) to our clients.


A true C style (i.e. big on detail), making him our perfect IT nerd.

Jo (marketing)

Jo brings content and marketing ideas. She also seems to think that people should be able to read her mind!  Her D-style, and drive to get designs 100% right, has been known to drive our web guy nuts.

Penny (our MD)

C/D style. Keeps us on our toes. Founded the company over 30 years ago. The driving force to get the jobs done.

Rebecca (sales)

With a successful and interesting sales career. Her D/i style is the perfect balance for constantly coming up with new ideas and developing and nurturing relationships.

This Year We’re Going Bigger Than Ever




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Headline Speakers

Juanita Moran

Web Designer

Ava Davis

Web Developer

Kason Espinosa

SEO Specialist


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Aliquet nisl. Nulla tempor mauris sed pretium egestas. Ut mi lacus, tincidunt ac quam quis, ultricies laoreet purus. Donec tincidunt scelerisque lacus, vel convallis augue interdum ac. Etiam eget tortor ac odio aliquam lobortis quis at augue. Duis ut hendrerit tellus, elementum lacinia elit. Maecenas at consectetur ex, vitae consequat augue. Vivamus eget dolor vel quam condimentum sodales.

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Ac feugiat ante. Donec ultricies lobortis eros, nec auctor nisl semper ultricies. Aliquam sodales nulla dolor. Fermentum nulla non justo aliquet, quis vehicula quam consequat duis ut hendrerit. 

Contact Info

(255) 352-6258

1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220
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