Making an impact in the NHS

by developing the very best teams

In today’s NHS, it’s never been more important to work together as a team.

Teams are pressed to deliver more with less, and more demands are made on time and resources, meaning that teams have to prioritise like never before. In the NHS, the makeup of teams is changing – priorities seem to be continually shifting, and fluctuating workloads are putting untold pressures onto teams.  All this can leave team members feeling bewildered and distracted.

Within every team, there are different types of work that all need to be done effectively if the team is to perform and deliver.  Our natural behavioural style dictates the different types of work that we enjoy doing more than others. For a really productive team, self-awareness is the key.

What we do

We transform healthcare teams by helping them to work together more effectively, using a programme cited in a paper from the NHS Leadership Academy.

How NHS Trusts

use our tools for transforming their teams


Helping newly formed teams begin to work together as a unit in a collaborative manner


Assisting established teams to evaluate where they can improve how they work


Giving teams practical strategies to help them improve their performance levels


Planning for new ways of working as a result of organisational changes

Help your teams succeed

With so much structural change in the NHS, people find themselves in teams where other people’s preferences and behavioural styles are different to what they’ve been used to. It’s important to realise that sometimes people aren’t being difficult, they are simply being themselves.

Trying to manage differences in behaviours between team members can be a challenge. A good starting point is to understand some of the differences, then learn to recognise them, appreciate how they can add value to the team, and how people with those styles like to be managed.

Teams in a changing NHS, will look to their managers to provide them with motivation. Knowing team members’ individual behavioural styles, and how they compare to their manager’s style, means managers are better equipped to bring out the best in every employee, and make their teams work.

Get in touch

to see how we can help with your team challenges

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+44 1494 569 400

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